Service Times

Service Times

Sunday 8:00am Said Eucharist (with hymns and organ music on the 1st Sunday of every month) 
‘A Prayer Book for Australia’ (APBA), 2nd order is regularly used.

Choral Eucharist, with choir and organ, sung setting and an anthem
‘A Prayer Book for Australia’ (APBA), 2nd order is regularly used, followed by refreshments in the adjoining hall.


Meditation and Eucharist, using alternate liturgy for the corresponding seasons of the church year
Accompanied by recorded sacred music, includes a period of about 10 minutes silence for personal meditation.

Thursday 10:15am

Said Eucharist 
‘A Prayer Book for Australia’ (APBA), 2nd order is regularly used.

Monday - Saturday

(St Martin's Chapel)



Morning Prayer

Evening Prayer


* Seasonal variations such as Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost are all celebrated, as are most Saints and Feast Days. See Liturgical Calendar for further information.