Food Collection
St Alban’s
St Alban’s Parish, with Anglicare Victoria, run a Food Relief Programme from the Parish Church.
The Federal Government provides Emergency Relief Funding to Anglicare and regulates the conditions under which such relief is provided. The limitations imposed mean that recipients of government funding must have a Centrelink pension card, live within a particular postcode, and only receive assistance four times a year.
St Alban’s sees about 90 families at each opening. The Parish is situated in one of the most disadvantaged areas of Melbourne.
Food is stored in a tin shed and a container in the Church carpark. A team of volunteers purchase and repack bulk food in to small packages to allow for as many as possible to receive aid.
For the past ten years, St George’s has collected food and cash at the 8.00am service on the 4th Sunday of the month. A team of parishioners make the trip across the Westgate Bridge and out along the Western Freeway to deliver the food. During November, we collect every Sunday for a big donation to help ensure that the Christmas and holiday demands are met. We give over $2,000 in cash each year. St George’s is one of the largest supporters of the Programme.
St Alban’s are most grateful for the support we provide and keep us in their prayers each week.
St Mark’s
St Mark’s Fitzroy runs a Community Centre to serve the people of Fitzroy. It is a drop in and welfare centre which is run in partnership with Anglicare. Each day up to 100 people visit the centre to receive a food parcel or other assistance, to relax in the lounge, to play pool or to receive advice.
We, at St. George’s, collect food each month and take it to the centre.
Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project
BASP is a Melbourne based initiative started by the Brigidine Sisters in 2001 to work with and for asylum seekers both in detention and in the community. The project aims to:
- Provide hospitality and practical support for asylum seekers.
- Actively network with like-minded individuals and groups who are working for justice for asylum seekers.
- Promote advocacy for the rights of asylum seekers
- Raise awareness of asylum seeker issues and concerns through a range of activities
St George’s Church has regular collections for food, clothing and monetary assistance for BASP. Most asylum seekers are not allowed to work and earn money. The greatest requirement is for emergency relief money to cover rental accommodation, utilities and food expenses. Individuals donations to BASP are tax deductible.
St George’s also periodically supports the following charities:
- Anglican Board of Mission – St Paul’s School in the Philippines
- Anglican Overseas Aid
- Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
- Wontulp-bi Buya College – based in Cairns