Pastoral Care
In Pastoral Care, we seek to meet people where they are at in their lives. Carers come with no expectation of agenda, no judgement of lifestyle or life choices and trusting that God will be at work in the encounter.
There is no right or wrong way for a pastoral encounter to proceed. Our hope is that folk experiencing sorrow, grief, joy, anxiety, depression, gratitude or any other normal emotion will feel safe to discuss as much or as little as they feel comfortable to express.
Listening, not providing answers, but rather hearing and acknowledging the issues and experiences behind what is shared is the role of the carer. Further assistance may be offered, if requested, but will not be imposed upon anyone. We do not visit to ‘Bible bash’ folk; rather to share love and compassion by listening and responding to personal issues the recipient chooses to share.
Hospital Visits
Clergy from the parish visit local hospitals at the request of patients, family, friends or staff with the consent of the recipient. The Cabrini Ministry Team visit Cabrini Hospital, Malvern on a weekly basis and aims to visit each Anglican / Church of England person. They also provide short services of prayer and worship or Holy Communion in the hospital chapel, which are televised to each patient’s bedside.
Whilst general Pastoral Care is offered to all, the ministry of Bedside Communion, Prayer, Holy Reading, Anointing, Ministry of the Dying, as well as Weddings and Baptisms can also be arranged for those in hospital.
Aged Care Visits
Clergy and Lay Pastoral Carers visit a number of local Aged Care facilities on a regular, usually monthly, basis. On the second Thursday of each month a service of Holy Communion with music, is enjoyed by residents and their families at MECWA Malvern.
Home Visits
Any parishioner or member of the general public is welcome to phone the church office to arrange a home visit by the clergy, or a lay pastoral carer. Those who are no longer able to attend regular services at the church are visited on a regular basis at time intervals that suit them.
Home / Bedside Communion
Members of the parish Clergy or Authorised Eucharistic Assistants are able to bring Home Communion to any who request it. Residents of Aged Care facilities and patients in hospital are also most welcome to request this ministry. Please contact the church office to make these arrangements.
Prayers of the People
Anyone can contact the church office and ask to receive prayer, either privately or during the regular worship of the congregations. Generally, only first names are used and the permission of the recipient is sought before their name is added to any prayer list.